

संतान प्राप्ति के उपाय by Acharya Pooja Varshney

संतान प्राप्ति के उपाय कुंडली में संतान सुख को देखने के लिए हम कुंडली के पंचम भाव और पांचमेश भाव को देखते हैं| पंचमेश भाव पर किन ग्रहों की शुभ दृष्टि है यह हम पुरुष और महिला दोनों की कुंडली… Continue Reading →

जानिए शिवलिंग पर क्या चढ़ाने से क्या फल मिलता है

शिवलिंग पर दूध अर्पित करने से आरोग्य की प्राप्ति होती है शिवलिंग पर चंदन चढ़ाने से समाज मे यश और मान- सम्मान की प्राप्ति होती है. शिवलिंग पर घी चढ़ाने से हमें तेज की प्राप्ति होती है शिवलिंग पर चावल… Continue Reading →

Manglik Dosh Kya Hai? | Manglik Dosh Ke Upaaye

मांगलिक दोष जन्म कुण्डली के पहले, चौथे, सातवे, आठवे और बारहवे भाव मे मंगल का स्थित होना मांगलिक दोष कहलाता है| लग्न कुण्डली, चंद्र कुण्डली और शुक्र कुण्डली तीनों ही कुण्डली से हम मांगलिक दोष देखते हैं| मांगलिक दोष के… Continue Reading →

South East Vastu Defects By Vastu Expert LJayaShree Ranganathan

South East Vastu Defects List Toilet in South East Bedroom in South East Cut or extension in South East Slope in South direction Home Entrance in South East Having seen Vastu defects that occur in South East corner of a… Continue Reading →

Subah Kya Khaya Jaye Jisse Aapka Din Shubh Jaye

कैसे हो आपका दिन शुभ ? ज्योतिष के अनुभूत उपाय: सप्ताह के सातों दिन क्या मुँह मे रख कर घर से निकला जाए जिससे आपका दिन शुभ बीते. 1. सोमवार: दर्पण में अपने आप को अच्छी तरह निहारें. फिर तुरंत घर… Continue Reading →

Vasant Panchami – Diversity At Its Best

Vasant Panchami 2019 Vasant Panchami 2019 Date – 10th February 2019 Staying true to the caption Vasant Panchami is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India. Known to fall on the fifth day of the spring (fifth day of Hindu… Continue Reading →

Let’s Uplift The Curtain From The ‘Dhruva Tara’ Story!

Have you ever wondered what is the story behind the Pole Star ‘Dhruva Tara’? Or why is it the most shining star in the sky? If yes, here is a short story about the Pole Star, ‘Dhruva Tara’ you should… Continue Reading →

10 Tips For Geopathic Stress Removal

10 Do-It-Yourself Tips for Geopathic Stress Removal | How to Identify & Shield Yourself from Geopathic Stress Worried about how to resolve Geopathic Stress? Consult our Geopathy Expert Deepak Saini. With more than 200 positive reviews in Delhi, NCR. Deepak… Continue Reading →

Geopathic Stress | Common Signs Of Geopathic Stress

What Is Geopathic Stress? Geopathic stress is a very new concept which has recently received a lot of attention in the recent past. It covers the relationship between earth energies and people’s well­-being. The term “Geo” means “Earth” or in… Continue Reading →

70th Republic Day: Our Nation’s Pride

Republic Day: Our Nation’s Pride Back on 26 January 1950, a lot was happening in the nation. Events, which set the roots of present India, took place. On 26th January 1950 after 2 years, 11 months and 18 days of… Continue Reading →

Bheem’s Toughness | Identify The Strength Within Yourself!

While encountering lot of difficulties and obstacles, an individual often misses out on various other issues which holds a significant position in one’s life. The decline of mental and physical strength is one such issue. Nowadays, the true meaning of… Continue Reading →

What Is Magh Mela | When It Is Held | Rituals Of Magh Mela

What Is Magh Mela? The origin of Magh Mela is considered to be the origin of the Universe by Hindu Mythology and is one of the greatest annual religious affairs for Hindus. This significant occasion, the Magh Mela is held… Continue Reading →

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