While encountering lot of difficulties and obstacles, an individual often misses out on various other issues which holds a significant position in one’s life. The decline of mental and physical strength is one such issue. Nowadays, the true meaning of mental and physical strength has been changed by the youth. Because of this drop a person often resort to measures which can prove to be very harmful to their body like toxic drinks, protein injections etc.
The declination of the mental strength leads to fear of confrontation, giving in when tired, filled with negative thoughts, showing no signs of appreciation, no self-control and the declination of physical strength results in bulkiness and unmanageable body. Alteration in the definition of mental and physical strength is heading towards a direction of materialism. For youths, their physical appearances matter most than their inner strength.This health-related issue needs to be discussed amidst the world of junkies.
The definition of power was told by Hanuman to his brother Bheem to make him realise the difference between inner and outer strength.
“Your inner strength is your outer foundation.”
-Allan Rufus
After being defeated in the dice game, Pandavas were sent to exile by Kauravas for 12 years plus 1 year of Agyatvas. They all started to increase their power through penance of one or the other God. Bheem, one of the strongest member of Pandavas also went deep into the jungles to start his penance. He initiated it by worshipping Lord Hanuman and eating a large quantity of food everyday so that he can become bulkier. Once, he was having his food when a monkey came, snatched and took away his food. Bheem chased the monkey but failed to do so and at last he got tired and accepted his defeat. From nowhere, Bheem found Hanuman standing in front of him and that is when he realised that Hanuman incarnated in the form of monkey. Hanuman advised him about the real power, which makes a man physically (flexible, movable, active) and mentally (static, focused, concentrated) strong. Bheem understood his thought process and was determined to focus on his inner strength and demolish his ego. Later, as the history describes, Pandavas ruled the field of Kurukshetra.
Thus, youths should keep aside their physical and mental distractions like outer appearance, peer pressure etc. and try to focus on their core strength through yoga, meditation, swimming and so on. According, to a survey people performing yoga, has increased by 50% from 2012 to 2016. Yoga helps to improve your flexibility and overall quality of life by inculcating principles of kindness, truthfulness and self-actualisation. This will help you built your morale and further victory in the field of life!