

Compound Numbers In Numerology | Article By Anju Ahuja

Interpretation of Compound Numbers In Numerology: 1 to 9 are single numbers and are called single or Root numbers. All numbers beyond 9 become double or compound numbers. Single or root number denotes the clear features  of the individual, double numbers… Continue Reading →

What Is Vastu Shastra? | Article By Acharya Sudha Khanna

All those who claim to have a knowledge of Vastu Shastra, must have atleast a basic knowledge of Vedic Astrology. Vastu Shastra as a science can be well understood only by a learned Astrologer. Vastu science is on heavenly bodies,… Continue Reading →

Conduct The Ram Navami Pooja Vidhi With Accuracy!

Ram Navami is the festival which marks the birth of Lord Rama, who is considered the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ram Navami is celebrated in almost all the parts of the country. Since the day falls on the ninth… Continue Reading →

दर्पण से सुलझाएँ वास्तु की समस्याएँ | Article By Acharya Deepaa

 जय श्री कृष्णा जय जयगुरुदेव दर्पण से सुलझाएँ वास्तु की समस्याएँ वास्तु और आईना : प्रिय मित्रो आपको वास्तुशास्त्र के बारे मे जानकारी तो होगी, क्या आपको पता है वास्तुशास्त्र मे आईना बड़ी भूमिका निभाता है? यद्दि दर्पण (आईना) को… Continue Reading →

Why Forgiveness Is More Important For Liberation Of The Person Who Forgives!

Few years back, I read a quote on forgiveness in a fictional book, and that has stayed with me since then. It was ‘’forgiveness doesn’t make the person you forgive feel better, it makes YOU feel better”. I can bet… Continue Reading →

Value Of Pi In Krishna Stuthi | How It Came Into Existence

The knowledge of science and technology is stored in Vedas, various scriptures and wall paintings spread across India is immense.  It is now an open secret that how our knowledge about our surroundings and space and technology was far more… Continue Reading →

Stress – And How To Fight With Stress | The Need Of Meditation (Article by Acharya Sudha Khanna)

Life is full of stress. From a student to a hi-profile professional; from a house-wife to a well-placed businessman. With cut throat competition/targets to be achieved/exams and competitions to be passed. Everybody is running a race, harassed and stressed. Go… Continue Reading →

21st June – International Yoga Day

11 December 2014 was a historic day in the field of yoga. On this day 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution which established 21st June of every year as the International Day of Yoga. … Continue Reading →

12 Jyotirlinga Temples Of Lord Shiva | And The Significance of Each Of Them

Jyotirlinga Temples Of Lord Shiva Jyotirlingas are special sacred shrines that are devoted to Supreme Lord Shiva. “Jyoti’’ means “Radiance” and “Lingam” means “Image” hence a Jyotirlinga means “The Radiant Image or Sign of the Supreme Lord Shiva”. There are… Continue Reading →

Ladies In The Lead | International Women’s Day

Playing the role of a Mother, Daughter, Wife, Beloved and all the other significant roles, a woman in every sense proves to be an epitome of courage and bravery. She is responsible to be the backbone of the entire family… Continue Reading →

The Need Of The Hour – Pre And Post Marriage Counseling (Article By Acharya Sudha Khanna)

Why Pre And Post Marriage Counseling Is Important? During the wedding season, on an average 15,000 marriages get solemnized with a lot of pomp and show. Marriages are generally a gala happening, but I am sorry to say more than… Continue Reading →

चमत्कारी बीज के फायदे – Article By Acharya Hariprriya

जय श्री कृष्णा मित्रों हमारी पूर्ण सृष्टि ही चमत्कारों से भारी हुई है इसी प्रकार सृष्टि का प्रत्येक अवयव चमत्कारों से भरा हुआ है केवल हमे उसे खोजने की आवश्यकता है आज मै इन चमत्कारों में से एक विषय के… Continue Reading →

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